“The Michael Ramsey Prize is intended for theological writing which, by freshness and originality, somehow changes the theological landscape, and also serves the needs of the Church … ” We are glad to see confirmation of our high recommendation of David Bentley Hart’s book, Atheist Delusions, by its winning the 2011 Michael Ramsey Prize last month.
Michael Ramsey Prize 2011 (click to view)
So what if I don’t have time this summer to read the artistic and engaging Atheist Delusions? (Which you may recall is actually a book setting our civilization in the context of its historical roots–doing the homework of tracing what is owed to the transforming influence of Christianity.) You can get the gist of the book by the short summary below by C Burrell. Note the four ways mentioned of how Christianity transformed society.
Hart: Atheist Delusions (click to read)