What would the Resurrection be without the Ascension?
It is encouraging to see how the events of redemption build upon one another. The Incarnation of Jesus as the firstborn son of Mary is a profound event of “God with us.” But the wondrous birth would mean little if Jesus did not live and minister among us as the Son of man and the Son of God. Jesus‟ lived a wondrous life, but His miracles and purity might benefit only a few had He not turned His heart toward Jerusalem as the Passover Lamb of God on the old rugged cross. But what would the cross have been without the Resurrection? It would have been a deafening defeat had Jesus not been raised in glory and designated God‟s beloved Son. The Resurrected Jesus went about 40 days, appearing to many folks, especially His apostles. Their hearts burned within them as they began to see how Jesus is the climax of the entire Covenant work of God as described in the Scriptures. They were full of worship. But was the redemption of God to stop at Resurrection? Certainly the Resurrection is a joyous cause of celebration on many counts, but there is yet another event of redemption—Jesus must be lifted up in ascension to the divine dimension (which we call heaven). While in no way negating His resurrection, and likely building on the deeper reality of what it means for the Son of God to be resurrected, Jesus ascends back to His Father.
So how does the Jesus‟ ascension enhance or complete the resurrection reality that proceeds it? It means that Jesus is accorded His full glory by being once again with the Father “sharing the glory they shared before the world existed.” (John 17:5). The ascension means that Jesus is not simply local and particular, but also universal and cosmic. He can truly claim to be Lord of Lords and King of Kings. He has risen and ascended to reign. He continues His royal ministry at the Father‟s right hand in living sacrifice, intercession, and Spiritual blessing as He calls us to participate as His new humanity and kingdom people in preparation for the New Heaven and New Earth when He comes again. LH
Here is a chart I found in a file (unsure of where it came from) showing an events of salvation timeline: