Lance Hickerson (Page 2)
Funny Church Signs
Funny Church Signs Barbara Jenkins told me about a funny church sign she read about and it was hilarious. Here is what it said: “I wish Noah had swatted those two mosquitoes” Here are a few other funny church signs folks have seen: Honk if you love Jesus; text while driving if you want to meet him God expects spiritual fruits not religious nuts Staying in bed shouting Oh God does not constitute going to church Hipster Jesus loved…
The Power of Hospitality: Hero of Hit Movie “Lone Survivor” is the Tribal Leader
The Power of Hospitality- Hero of Hit Movie “Lone Survivor” is the Tribal Leader (click to read)
Smoke Signals: Craving for Marijuana in America and What does it Mean? Part III: Five Objections and Conclusion
Smoke Signals Part III (Click to read bulletin version)
Jesus Teaching in Parables: Heaven is For Real AND Hell is For Real4
Heaven AND Hell for Real (click to read pdf bulletin version) The church readings over the last month have covered the parables of Jesus in Matthew 13. We heard about the Soils and the Sower with Jesus explaining to the disciples what each soil meant in relation to hearing the Word. We heard very short parables like that of the mustard seed and the pearl of great price. There is also the Parable of the Weeds (13:24- 30) which…
Prayer for Teachers, Administrators, and Students
Lord we bring before you our precious children who enter into a new school year of learning, growth and discovery. Let us learn to rest in how they are your precious children too. We ask that our children may know the wonder of insight and thrill of learning something new every day, Let them make good friends and be good friends We ask your presence to strengthen their worthwhile endeavors and comfort their falling Teach them to never be ashamed…
Stepping Into the Light: FH Teens Explore Reasons for the Hope Within
If One is not, then nothing is. Plato. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave [Socrates] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: –Behold! human beings living in a underground cave, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the cave; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see…
Living in Interesting Times (2 Timothy 3 and 4)
Living in Interesting Times FH Newsletter 2 (click for PDF version) “May you live in interesting times,” so goes an ancient Chinese curse. What sounds at first great and exciting, “interesting times” refers to times of too much change and strangeness. This so disrupts people from their organic roots that living the good life is distressed and difficult. I hear symptoms of “interesting times” most every day from my friends and FH church family. It’s not that they say the…
Divergent: the Movie and Christians
I saw the movie “Divergent” this week and was surprised. I had no idea what the story would be or even the name, age, or views of the author who wrote this first of a now completed trilogy. Notice of the book did not escape me, though, for Divergent has been constantly checked out of our local library for months and 42 people are presently waiting in line with holds on the next available copies. Why the big deal? In…
Intro to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount
While FH is studying the Sermon on the Mount Wednesday nights, the lectionary readings for each Sunday in February will cover this greatest of sermons ever preached. The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5 – 7) in many ways speaks for itself, for it is the longest uninterrupted section we have of Jesus’ teaching. Not only is it a classic of world literature, it continues to be the most revolutionary manifesto ever spoken, with no exaggeration judging by the…
A Picture from Among the Talking Class of America: Straining at a Gnat and Swallowing a Camel
My uncle from Arkansas sent me a picture to illustrate his most recent accomplishment—passing a national safety certification test with the highest and perfect score. Although running a medium sized farm for 30 years with no major safety violations or events, my uncle’s record was not enough to “grandfather him in” for a safety certification. He was told he must pass a current national safety test, because his old methods were likely outdated and even misinformed. Most of the…